Bigger Faith Leads To Bigger Success

In my 18 years of being a Business Owner, I have found that fear will paralyze you and Faith will propel you forward!

When I started my Business in my home, I started with a small amount of Faith and as my Faith grew; my Business grew.

What do you have the Faith to accomplish? Are you ready to enlarge your territory? If so, you must develop your faith!

At my upcoming Doing Business by Faith Workshop, I will show you how to develop your Faith for Big Success and share Business Growth strategies with you!

So, if you are serious about taking your Business to another level in 2018, click the image below and meet me in St.Louis!


Dealing With Uncomfortable Moments in Business


Sometimes we have to do what’s uncomfortable for us in order to get to where we desire to be in Business.

I love to travel, but flying gets uncomfortable for me some times.

The most uncomfortable part is take off. I get a little dizzy at take off, but after a few minutes; that feeling goes away.

However, I know that uncomfortable feeling I get as the plane is taking off, is only temporary.

Let me ask you several questions:

1.What’s making you uncomfortable?

2. Is it starting a business?

3. Is it expanding your business?

4. Is it public speaking?

Whatever it may be, I want you to know that you must go through the uncomfortable seasons in order to reach your Destiny.

So I sit back and relax until you reach your destination!

Moreover, stop sweating the uncomfortable moments, because the uncomfortable moments are all apart of the process on the way to your Destiny!

Keep walking by Faith,


What does it mean to Do Business by Faith?


Several weeks before writing this blog post; I had a garage sale at my home.

My goal was to get rid of some old clothes, shoes, purses and household items. Moreover, one of the items that I had for sale at my garage sale was my book, Doing business by Faith.

While at my Garage sale, one of my neighbors was browsing through the items that I had for sale and she saw my book (Doing Business by Faith) and she ask me the following question: What is Doing Business by faith? I answered her question and I decided to write a blog post about it.

Doing Business By Faith simply means to Do Business in a Realm that you cannot see touch or feel and Doing Business by Faith is made up of 3 principles:

  1. Hope- I believe that every business owner has hope that their Business will be a Success. In fact, it is vital to your Business Success that you are in a constant state of hope, because a lack of hope will eventually kill your dream. Moreover, I believe that hope is what keeps your Vision alive!
  2. Trust-Do you trust that you will succeed? Do you trust that God will provide you with what you need for the Vision? Trust is a Big part of building a relationship as well as building a Business. In fact, it takes a ton of Faith to Trust that what you desire for your business will soon become a reality. So, I challenge you to relax, trust God and trust yourself!
  3. Confidence- Do you have confidence in yourself? Do you have the confidence that God has called you to start or operate a Business? I believe that a confident Business Owner can accomplish anything that he or she sets his heart to do. So, hold your head up, stick your chest out and be confident in your goals and dreams.

Finally, I believe that doing Business by Faith is simply moving forward even when you don’t feel like it and never giving up on your Business goals and Dreams!

With Big Faith you will accomplish Big Things and I want to empower you to Build Your Faith. For more Faith building principles, Be sure to get my book, Doing Business by Faith!

Shiketa Morgan

Get the Paper Back Copy or The ebook!


You are invited to my Prayer Circle Conference Call


The Doing Business By Faith Prayer Circle Conference Call will be today

( Sat. April 8, 2017) at 1pm cst. I have invited a guest speaker ( Sandra Michael Johnson) to join us and she has a Faith Building message to share with us today.

Hope to see you on the Conference Call! Simply join the call from the comfort of your home, by dialing:
(605) 475-4079 Access code: 961443

Hope to see you there!

Shiketa Morgan

Come Join My Doing Business by Faith Prayer Circle

Prayer Circle march 2017.jpg

If you are in the St.Louis Area and want to discover how to Grow your Business by Faith, come join my Doing Business by Faith Prayer Circle on Saturday March 11,2017.

I will be sharing my Story of How I started my Business by Faith and How I built a Successful Business by Faith!

I also want to hear your vision for your Business, I will be providing inspirational coaching and we will lift your Business up in Prayer!

Hope to see you There!


Register today, click here.


What Are You Inspired to Do In 2017?

I was recently in the Atlanta Airport shopping for a Magazine to read before I boarded my plane back to St. Louis. As I browsed for a Magazine, I asked myself the following question: What is it that you want to do more of in 2017? So I picked up a Travel Magazine, because I desire to travel more in 2017.

Travel Inspires my Journey as a Business Owner. In fact, while I am traveling, I pay close attention to detail in the hotels that I stay in, I watch how the airline conducts business, iI purchase new business books and I meet new people.

In 2016, I took 6 weekend vacations, however, I plan to go to 6 new vacation destinations in 2017 and start an Inspired Business Woman Mentoring Group. (more info about the group will be available soon!)

What are you inspired to do in 2017? I want to invite you to join the discussion on my Inspired Business Woman Facebook Page and post your vision for 2017. Click the image below to join the discussion!

To Your Success,

Shiketa Morgan

Have you downloaded your copy of my Book, The Inspired Business Woman? If not, Get your copy today! click here

Success is in the details

Steve Job said it best: Success is in the details! I was inspired to write this blog post as I was visiting a local restaurant.

As my husband and I sat at the Dinner Table, we were  looking at all the little details about the restaurant.

In fact, the first detail that we noticed was this: the owner turned a home into an elegant restaurant.

Then we also noticed, how the water was brought to the table in a unique bottle. The menu was very unique, there was a lot of attention given to the decor around the restaurant and the food was amazing!

I can go on and on about the details, however, I want to inspire you to pay very close attention to the little things that you do in Business, because they matter!

Here is a challenge for you! Take a closer look at the following:

  1. Your Business Environment
  2. Take a closer look at your website
  3. How does your business look on the outside? (flowers,etc)
  4. Can your marketing materials use a makeover?
  5. What is it that  Customers hear and see when they walk in your Business?
  6. Do you pay close attention to detail when you get dressed for Business?
  7. Does your Business Have a Theme?

I think you get the point. Start paying close attention to those small details and make necessary changes.

I promise you that your customers will pay close attention to those small details and they will also tell their friends and family about your Business or service.

Have a Successful Business Week!


Need Start-up, Expansion/ Business growth or Business Management coaching? Visit my Coaching Page Today and Check out my Coaching Options!





The Inspired Business Woman

I can remember back when I was inspired to leave  a career as a Medical Assistant to start my first in home Business.

It was a Big leap of faith to leave a career that I was very comfortable with to start a Home based Business.

My first business was a home daycare and it was inspired by God. I can remember hearing the voice of God back in 1998 say these words to me: “Start a daycare.”

Those words inspired me to step out on faith, leave my job and start my Business Journey. Since I have stepped out on faith and started my Business; God has truly amazed me!

In fact, I have been inspired to expand my Business from my home to a commercial location twice!

Also, under the leadership of a Business Coach & Mentor, I have been inspired to Coach and Write.

What are you inspired to do? Are you inspired to start a Business? Are you inspired to write a book? Whatever your answer may be, I want you to share this with you: Pay attention to what keeps you inspired and stay away from situations and people that zap your inspiration.

Furthermore, as long as you are inspired and motivated to live your dreams or to build a Business, nothing can stop you..BUT YOU!

I am writing a book titled: The Inspired Business Woman and the book will be available for download or purchase some time in March 2016.

Until then, be sure to leave me a comment below and tell me what you are inspired to do?

Be Inspired,



The Unseen Realm and Business

Have you ever felt stuck in Business? Ever felt like no matter what you do, there seems to be a hindering force? Well, that’s because there is. Everything that you see in the natural realm was first in the unseen realm.

Let me take a moment to explain. There is a scripture in the book of Ephesians that reads: We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but about rulers and power of darkness of this age.

So, let me ask you a question? Have you been wrestling with issues in your Business? Are you frustrated? If so, it’s time to get the Victory over the unseen realm.

I have been in Business for over 18 years and I must honestly say that most of my Business Journey has come with a fight. This included, Chronic stress, Financial problems, the fight to hire the right employees, the fight to stay in business and not quit.

In fact, the area that I have battled with the most is in my mind. The thought of quitting used to torment me for years and now when the thought of quitting enters my mind, I rebuke it and cast it down.

The enemy knows that if you Quit, then you will not have financial freedom and you will not be able to live the Good life that God has planned for you on your Business Journey!

Are you wondering how I over came so much opposition from the un-seen realm?

  1. I developed a Consistent prayer life. In fact, I now have a prayer room in my home. Every day I start my Business day with prayer and I end it with prayer. When you give God your Plans, He will establish your way.
  2. I make a daily confession over my personal life and my Business. In fact, whatever I want to see manifest in my Business, I speak it out of my mouth. “ If you decree a thing it shall me established unto you.” ~Job 22:8
  3. I had to Develop Big Faith and consciously focus on my thoughts. When a thought of defeat tries to enter my mind, I cast it down and think on something positive. ” Your Business will only move in the direction of your most dominant thought.”
  4. I Dream Big for my Business. No matter what comes my way, I keep dreaming Big. I expanded my business again November 2014 and it took Big Faith. I was afraid to do it, however, my faith has taken my Business to another level.

So with that said, the un-seen realm may try to bring opposition and troubles, however, it’s up to you to Succeed!

Several years ago I bought a Book called: 4th Dimensional Living in a 3 Dimensional World. This book is written by  Dr. David Yong Gi Cho. After reading the book, I was reminded that the unseen realm is a realm that we cannot see, however, it is influenced by the following: Your faith, thoughts, dreams and words.

For more information on How to Grow your Faith and get the Victory over the Unseen Realm, Grab your copy of my ebook: Doing Business by Faith! Download Now!

Be Inspired!

Build your Faith at my upcoming workshop. Visit my website now


How I Can Help You On Your Business Journey

Shiketa Morgan Online

Someone recently inquired about one of my specialized Coaching Packages. In fact, that question inspired me to make it clear to you, how I can help you to grow as a Business Owner!

In fact, I want you to know that my coaching options have been inspired by very own Business & Life experiences along with Strategies that have caused me to build a Successful Business.

So be sure to check out my Empowering Coaching Options below and I hope to Coach with you soon!

My Coaching Topics Include:

  1. Steps to Starting a Business (Home based or Online)
  2. How to Grow Your Business
  3. How to Position Yourself as an Online Expert & Create Information Products
  4. How to Start a Blog
  5. How to Write a ebook
  6. Business Management & Leadership Development
  7. Online Marketing
  8. Healthy Living Coaching (Diet/Natural Living)

Check Out My Coaching Session Options Below!

arrow going down

-Option One: Schedule a One-hour Coaching Session when you need it for only $60/hr.

-Option Two: Schedule Four 1-Hour Coaching Sessions Per month for only $197.00.

-For onsite Business Visits, there is an additional Travel Fee.

The coaching sessions are held via conference call. The sessions are very informative, personalized and empowers you to get results in your business.

Whatever your coaching needs may be, let’s schedule your 1st session Today!!!


“Mrs. Morgan, is an effective coach that understands her role to be dependable,

engaged,authentic,and tunes into the needs of her client.”

~Juanita Montague


I personally have taken her coaching program and I have seen tremendous growth in my business in a matter of days!

~Andrea Dickerson of  DayCare Success Online Network


Shiketa is an amazing business professional, she is very knowledgeable and her tips have given me great insight on how to grow my child care business. She has been the most valuable connection I have made thus far and I am so appreciative she has shared her deep wealth of knowledge.”



1-Hour Telephone Coaching Session $60


4 Hours of Telephone Coaching  $197

Includes: email support, Free digital Business downloads & so much more!


Sessions are scheduled 1-hour a week during a 30-day period of time

** A Refund is only issued in the event I am not available for a Scheduled Coaching Session

Much Success to You,


Are You Ready To Have An Inspired & Productive Summer?

summer coaching seriesWhen I first started my Business, I was so Inspired to do what it took to get the business started.

In fact, I would wake up every morning, excited that I had enough faith in my self to quit a job that I loved to start my own business.

Then 10 years into my Business Journey, I began to lose my inspiration. I was tired and began to lose interest in the business. Furthermore, I did not understand how you can be so excited about a Business, then years later….lose interest in the business.

I realized that I needed to do something to get my inspiration back. Once I got my inspiration back, I realized that I needed to be inspired in order to last as a Business Owner.

Can you relate to my story? Are you feeling stuck? Feeling like you need to go to another level in Business? Feeling Frustrated? Does it seem like you have lost interest in your Business?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, its time for you to Get Inspired Again!

In my upcoming Summer Coaching Series, I will show you how to get and stay inspired as a Business Owner! After all…if you are not inspired, you are probably not very productive or enthusiastic.

My Summer Coaching Series Begins on Monday June 2, 2014. When you sign-up, you will have access to:

  • Two ( 30-minute) live inspirational coaching sessions with me
  • 30 days of inspirational emails
  • a Free copy of my Get Inspired ebook for Business Women!

If you are ready to have an inspired and productive Summer,  click here.

It’s time to Get Inspired!


Deborah Francis Empowers Business Women To Be Prosperous & Live Healthy

I met Deborah Francis via Facebook back in 2009. We are both passionate about Business and Living Healthy. In fact, we attended a millionaire mindset group together in 2010 and every time that we spoke with one another it was an empowerment session. Since 2010, we periodically speak on the phone and we still have empowerment sessions!

Deborah has introduced me to new streams of income and has been a great inspiration on my Journey as an Author. In fact, Deborah and her Husband Hasheem are the founders of the Built to Prosper Company and You must check out their Business and Health & Wellness Resources.

I have been a contributor several times in their Built to prosper Magazine along with being a guest on The Built to Prosper Radio Show and writing the Introduction to Deborah’s Book: The Joy of Healthy Living.

I was recently talking to Deborah on the phone about my goal to lower my Cholesterol the Natural way and Deborah shared some amazing health tips with me. In fact, she took the time to send me a list of all the foods that would help me to detoxify my body and lower my Cholesterol.

I was so grateful for that information that Deborah shared with me and I could hardly wait to introduce you to her!

I believe that when you connect with someone who adds value to your life; it is hard to keep it a secret.  So I had to tell you about Deborah and I hope that you take the time to get to know her as well.

Be sure to visit Deborah’s websites and connect with her on Facebook for daily Business and health tips!

To Your Success,


What Caused Me To Develop An Attitide of Gratitude…


Several days before writing this blog post, I noticed there was a  ruptured blood vessel in my left eye. I wasn’t sure what caused it, however, I began to wonder if it was due to the enormous amount of stress I was facing.

However, I believe that I was silently allowing my circumstances to get on the inside of me. As a former medical assistant, I knew to check my blood pressure and the reading was higher than normal.

So, I decided to stop by my local nail salon to relax and pamper myself. As I closed my eyes and sat in the pedicure chair, I heard the following words: Have more gratitude for what is already working in your Life!

That was a divine aha moment for me. In fact, I realized that I had been sub-consciously worrying about what has not been working in my business and it was only frustrating me.

Furthermore, as I sat at the nail salon, I decided to start a gratitude Journal, so that I can redirect my focus on all the positive things that were going on in my life and in my Business.

Have you been silently frustrated with life or your Business Journey? Are you frustrated with the process? The answer to your frustration is to develop an Attitude of Gratitude.

When you develop an attitude of gratitude, you will view every obstacle with great optimism and your problems will seem to get smaller.

Do you have clients are customers who are unpleasant to do business with? Is your business not growing like you desire it to? If so, I challenge you to focus more on the positive clients that you do have. Also, its time to get enthusiastic about your business and be grateful for the progress that you have already made!

In summary, my eyes were examined by my eye doctor and I was told that the blood vessel rupture was common and not life threatening.

In fact, my eye doctor suggested that I take more Vitamin C to protect my blood vessels and arteries. I was grateful for those health tips!

3-days later, I have great peace and experiencing the wonderful Joy of having more gratitude!

What are you grateful for? Please leave your comment below…


Perseverance Begins With the Right Attitude

“Perseverance begins with the right attitude – an attitude of tenacity.

The desire to persevere alone isn’t enough to keep most people going when they are tired or discouraged. Perseverance is a trait that can be cultivated. And the initial step to developing it is to eliminate its five greatest enemies.

Perseverance requires determination. If you take the time and effort to cultivate tenacity, you can achieve the impossible.

However, there are endless temptations, false beliefs, and distractions that can lead to abandoning what once seemed of the utmost importance.”

According to John C Maxwell’s book, Beyond Talent, we must eliminate the five greatest enemies of perseverance. Eliminating the following five things will bring greater chance of success:

  1. A Life Style of Giving up
  2. A wrong belief that life should be easy
  3. A wrong belief that success is destination
  4. A lack of resiliency
  5. A Lack of Vision

Here are some great quotes on perseverance:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill

“The race is not [always] to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.” [Ecclesiastes 9:11] Bible

“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”— George Horace Lorime

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.  ~Author Unknown

Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs.  Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger.  If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.  ~Dale Carnegie

When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” ~Author Unknown

Fall seven times, stand up eight.  ~Japanese Proverb

Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce.  ~Vivian Komori

For more inspiration on Perseverance and Doing Business by Faith, download your copy of my ebook: Doing Business by Faith today! 

Are you discouraged with your Business Journey and need to find inspiration again? Schedule an inspirational breakthrough coaching session with me, contact me today!

Be Inspired…



Two Ways to Tap Into Your Creative Mind

Entrepreneurs are naturally creative and have innovative minds. After all, those natural traits of being innovative and having creative minds may be a major part of why you started your own business.

However, sometimes your thoughts and ideas can get out of control and cause you to get off track. Moreover, cause you to lose focus and start to feel overwhelmed.

In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s latest book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer described two exercises that you can do to tap into your creative mind and take control over your thoughts.

1. Quiet the Mind with Meditation. According to Dr. Dyer, this is a great way to give yourself access to your creative mind and eliminate unnecessary, unwanted and superfluous thoughts.

2. Using Positive Proclamations. Dr. Dyer wrote: ” Rather than allowing your thoughts to insist that something is wrong or missing, retrain your conscious creative mind with beliefs such as these:

Example of a Proclamation:

What I desire is here; I just haven’t connected to it yet. It can’t be stopped because my thoughts are aligned with the mind of God.

I have discovered that reciting daily proclamations or affirmations will keep you focused in your mind and it attracts to you want you really want and not what you don’t want.  Tips on How to meditate, click here.

To Your Success,


Schedule Your 1-hour Inspirational Business Coaching Session With Me Today!

All About Entrepreneurs Blog Talk Show Morning Empowerment Call

Photo: I'm looking forward to being a guest on The AEW morning Empowerment Show ( with Coach Lelisa and Coach Cassandra)  Friday March 14 7am est.  Be sure to join us!! I will share my business start up journey, how to do business by faith, the importance of prayer and perseverance. One lucky listener will win a digital copy of my book: Doing Business by Faith!

As I write this blog post I am still inspired from today’s Morning Empowerment call on the All About Entrepreneurs Blog talk show.  I was the featured guest and it was a blessing to share that space with Coach LeLisa Williams and Coach Cassandra McKissack.

Also, If you are a new subscriber to my blog, I want to welcome you to my blog and I look forward to inspiring you with every post.

On the show I shared my Business Start-up Journey, How I transitioned from the work place to being a business owner to becoming an Author and a Coach by Faith.  Moreover, I shared 3 Steps to Doing Business by Faith.

Furthermore, on the call I offered to give-a-away a free copy of my ebook: Doing Business By Faith to the first person that subscribed to my blog during the call and the Winner is: Lorie Etienne of Rahway, New Jersey!!!

Doing Business by Faith cover.2jpg

Congratulations Lorie….

I want to invite you to listen to the show  and be sure to leave your comment below. Listen Now!

Business Wisdom-Maintaining What You Already Have

business wisdom

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I share Business Wisdom Tips from time to time. In fact, I enjoy sharing what I have learned along the way on my Business Journey and I hope that you have enjoyed my Business Wisdom Tips.

I realize that many of my followers are not always on social media, so I have decided to share my Business Wisdom Tips with my blog followers as well!

This week’s Business Wisdom tip:

Do you desire to expand or grow your Business? If so, I want to challenge you to evaluate  how you are currently maintaining what you already have.

How are you doing in the Business maintenance department?  In fact, if you can hardly maintain what you already have, you may want to first master maintaining what you already have.

Furthermore, I have discovered this one thing when I expanded my Business in 2003; The more that you have, the more you will have to maintain.

I’m not against business growth, however, I am for living a quality and organized life. The more organized that you are in your Business and Personal life, the more clarity you will have in Business.

A Well Maintained Business Will Do Wonders For Your Brand!


Ideas For Creating a Business Maintenance Plan:

1. Develop a Plan for cleaning, dusting and organizing your office space

2. Water your plants 2-3 times a week.

3. Create a routine for opening and reading mail

4. Create a checklist for maintaining and updating record keeping

5. Update the content on your website and social media pages on a weekly basis

6. Keep the outside of your business free of trash and debris

7. Develop a system for reading and replying to email in a prompt manner

8. Buy new materials or supplies for your business on a regular basis. (Great way to stay inspired!)

I think you get the point! If you are going to be in Business, it is vital that you develop a Maintenance plan!!

I look forward to reading your thoughts about this week’s Business Wisdom Tip! Be sure to leave your comments below and I will be sure to join the discussion.

To Your Success….


For more inspirational insight, be sure to download my ebook: Doing Business by Faith.

You will also find me blogging at


A Hopeful Business Owner Will Never Quit!

“Have big hope for your business and know that what you have faith for; will eventually materialize”

Have you ever been through a season in Business where you lost hope? If not, I have and I know what it is like to lose hope and want to quit.

However, I have discovered that, if you have hope; the thought of quitting will not enter your mind.

In fact, I have found that hope alone is like a magnet and when you have hope, what  you need tends to come to me; simply because you have hope.

Furthermore, I believe that it is vital that business owners walk by faith, because without faith, it is almost impossible to stay in business.

Please allow me to explain what I mean when I say: Walk by Faith. 

The bible defines faith as: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1 Moreover, the dictionary defines Faith as: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

So, as you can see Faith is:

  • Hope
  • Trust
  • Confidence

If you take away any of the 3 Components above, you will have a recipe for defeat and you will not have the faith to Succeed in Business.

Take a moment to answer and reflect on the questions below:

  1. What are you hoping for?
  2. Do you trust yourself to succeed?
  3. Do You Trust that God has given you the gift of Entrepreneurship?
  4. Do you have confidence in yourself?
  5. Do you have confidence that God has ordered your steps?

Your answers to the above questions will help you to do some soul-searching and help you to determine if you are walking by faith or if you are operating with a defeated mindset.

Furthermore, my goal is to give you the recipe for developing your Faith to be a Victorious Business Owner.

Tough times have a tendency to steal your confidence; or maybe even cause you to lose hope or trust in your ability to build a successful business.

However, I want you to know that if you tap into the 3 components of Faith & Hope that I mentioned above; you are destined to have Big Faith to Succeed as a Business Owner.

4 Traits of a Hopeful Business Owner

  1. A Hopeful Business Owner has big hope in his or her Business
  2. A Hopeful Business Owner is always looking ahead
  3. A Hopeful Business Owner does whatever it takes
  4. A Hopeful Business Owner talks positive about his or her Business

The above blog post is an excerpt from my book, doing business by faith, get your copy today! click here

Whatever you do, Don’t quit and Never Lose Hope!


Inspirational Words That will give you hope and I challenge you to read aloud daily:

” My Best Days are ahead of Me”

” God will supply all of my needs according to his riches in Glory”

“I walk by faith and not by sight”

“If I Keep Going, I will Win and See My Rewards for Persevering”

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.~Martin Luther
You will also find me blogging @ Need Business Coaching, Contact me today!

Develop a Plan To Take Care of You In 2014!

Happy Woman in Meadow

It’s been about a month since I have written a blog post on my personal blog. In fact, I have been blogging at  and busy getting organized for the upcoming year at my Child Care Facility.

If you are a new follower of my blog, I want to take the time to wish you a Happy New Year and say thank you for following my blog post. Furthermore, my hope is that 2014 will be an Epic Year for You and Your Family!!

This week I want to inspire you to take better care of you in 2014.  This past Friday, I decided to only work a half day at my Child Care Center and visit the hair salon, along with take care of my household needs.

As I sat under the dryer at the hair salon and browsed through some health magazines, I was reminded that I must be balanced in all that I do and  take care of me in 2014.

I’m not saying this in a selfish way, I am simply inspiring you to take the time to do the following to have balance in your personal and Business endeavors:

  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise at least 20 minutes a day
  • Have a girls night out
  • Relax daily with a cup of hot tea, read a great book, etc.
  • Calm your mind with meditation daily
  • Build your spirit by stilling your mind, reading more spiritual books.
  • Let go of thoughts and situations that stress you out!

I think you get the point!

Its time to be healthier, relax more and be at peace with you. As a Business Owner of 14 years, I spent many of my business years, stressing over issues in my business, until recently.

In December 2013,  Let go and let God.  So, I decided to take a two-week sabbatical from my Child Care Facility. I trusted that my staff would do a great job while I was away and they exceeded my expectations.

As the year came to an end, I felt it was time for me to take a break, reflect and relax.

What I know for sure about Stress: Stress wears down your mind, it wears down your body and guess what? When you are gone, the stress will still be here.

So, be sure to develop a plan to take care of you in 2014 and Let Go and Let God! If you are a Business Owner (as many of my blog readers are) or even a Busy Mom…..I challenge you to do more of what inspires you in 2014 and delegate all other duties.

There is such a release that comes with delegation!

What I’m up to….

In 2014, I decided to do more of what I love and that is: Teach, inspire and empower others. So I have formed a Business Expansion Mastermind Group for Child Care Business Owners. I expanded my Child Care Business in 2003 and I know what it is like to need information and guidance to go to the next level. Also, I know what it is like to struggle, because I was not prepared to be a leader. Get more information about my Mastermind group Now!

Be sure to leave your thoughts and comments about this week’s blog post and I will join the conversation soon!

More to come next week….



Is Fear Stopping You?

I don’t know about you, however, fear has been my #1 enemy on my Business Journey.

Please allow me to share a brief story with you: In 2002, I almost allowed fear to stop me from going back to school to further my early childhood education.  In fact, going back to school to further my education was one of the best decisions that I made in my lifetime. At that time, the local community college was offering free early childhood education through a program called: Child Care Field base (where the instructor came to my home).

Read the entire post on my Child Care Business Owner blog, click here



Becoming A Fearless & Inspired Business Woman

Photo Credit

It is vital that you choose to become a Fearless Business Woman. In fact, Fear is a Choice and becoming Fearless is also an choice; so which one will you choose?

A Fearless Business woman, takes risk and is bold in her business endeavors. She is always moving forward, evolving and doing things that she never thought she could do.

A Fearful Business Woman is paralyzed by fear. Her vocabulary is full of the following words: I can’t do it, I’m scared, I need more time, What if? And many other words that feeds her Fear and stops her growth.

Can you see the difference between the two types of Business Women? Which one would you rather be? Whats stopping you from becoming a Fearless Business Woman?

How I Overcame my top Two Fears…

Fear #1-As a child I stuttered and I shied away from speaking in public, however, when I moved my business out of my home; I was forced to host events and speak to my staff of 5 or 6 in a formal weekly meeting. I must say, my palms would sweat every time I had to host a meeting.

To make a long story short, the more that I hosted events or held meetings; I discovered how to communicate effectively.  Now I have meetings every week, I host workshops and I enjoy it! In fact, when I stopped thinking about what others thought of me, I was able to speak my truth and share from my hear.

Furthermore, I discovered that I have a great speakers voice. Moreover, you never know;  that which you fear, may turn out to be one of your greatest assets!

Fear #2 My husband and I bought a home with an in ground pool in July 2006. Within weeks of moving into our home, we invited some friends over for a barbecue. Our friends were in the pool and I was sitting on the edge. My friend’s husband said to me (laughing), ” Why would you buy a home with a pool and you can’t swim?”

He challenged me (in a joking way) and that day I learned how to swim! It took all day, but I did it.

Guess what? It felt so good!!! In fact, I felt as if my soul was released from bondage.

So what’s stopping you from starting that Business? What’s stopping you from building that Fortune 500 company? Today I want to share with you 5 Ways To Overcome your Fears

1. Encourage yourself

2. Develop a just do it attitude

3. Lose the I Can’t Words and Start saying “I Can”

4. Find out what’s behind your fears and face the issue(s) head on

5. Just do it!!! The release in in the doing….

Fearless by Max Lucado

Feed your fears and your faith will starve.

Feed Your Faith and Your Fears will Starve.

I hope that you have been inspired to Become Fearless in Business and Walk by Faith not by Fear. Fear only Stops you…Faith propels you into your destiny!

Be Inspired


If you love this post, you will love my book: Doing Business By Faith 

Be sure to leave your comments down below!

7 Ways to Not Lose Yourself in Business:

Its is so exciting to be a Business Owner. In fact, excitement can easily turn into obsession with Business or lead to the Business taking over your life and ultimately leading to you losing yourself in the Business.

Furthermore, I completely understand that when you create your own paycheck , it’s very difficult to tell a client or a potential customer, that you’re off the clock and lets talk Monday morning, because you are afraid that you just might lose a client.

As Business Owners, we tend to always have our mind on Business: we carry Business cards with us all the time, we turn our cars into business workshops as we drive and listen to Business CD’s, we tend to talk about Business all the time and most of our friends are Business Owners.

Did I just describe you? If so, you could be at risk of losing yourself in your Business, if you haven’t already done so.

When I realized I lost myself in my Business…

Recently I was doing some shopping for my Business and as I began to browse magazines, I began to look for Business Magazines. (Then I heard  a whisper from God): “You have lost yourself in your Business.”

That was truly a divine moment for me! In fact, it was truth; I knew I had lost myself in the Business.

After 15 years of Being in Business, it had become a ritual for me to read Business Books all the time. I was guilty of checking email 7 days a week and simply not establishing my Business & Personal Life boundaries.

However, the end result for me was this: I lost myself and I found Shiketa again while I was shopping for the Business!

In fact, while I walked through the store, I decided it was time for a change. I vowed to buy more books or magazines to help me to develop my best self!

So I put down the Business Magazine and Bought a Fashion Magazine. That fashion magazine inspired me to pamper myself more, makeover my wardrobe and choose bolder lip stick colors. Looks like I’ll be going on a Shopping spree for “me” soon!!

I am in no way suggesting that you not buy Business Books to improve your business skills. In fact, reading Business Books have empowered me to become a Successful Business Owner.

However, there comes a time when you have to do some major reflecting on your Business Journey; because, when you are not your best self; it will impact your productivity as a Business Owner!

What I know for sure…

Your Business does not define who you are. In fact, you must always be in touch with your true self in order to grow as a Business Owner. When you are your true self, you will enjoy your Business Journey. So be sure to Establish your boundaries and Live your life!

Today I am going to share with you 7 ways to not lose yourself in Business:

1. Establish set Business Hours (Based on Customer needs as well). Ex. I only work on Saturdays (once a month), if I am teaching a class or hosting a workshop or making some improvements in my Child Care Center.

2. Plan time for play. Work hard, then you play hard. Host a party at your home, Plan some family vacations, have lots of fun on the weekends with your family,etc.

3. Unplug from your Business email at a set time and shut down the cell phone during family time.

4. Don’t bring business issues to the Dinner table or in the bedroom unless its Good News!

5. Pamper You! At least once a week, reward yourself for your hard work. (get a new hair style, get your nails done, go shopping, spa, etc)

6. Don’t take it personal. A sure sign that you have lost yourself in your Business:  personal issues, begin to affect how you feel about yourself.

7. Balance your Business & Your Personal Life. If you spend more time on Business, than planning for your personal life, You’re out of Balance.

Have you lost yourself in your Business? What will you do to find yourself again? Leave your comment below:

To Your Success,


Networking Expands Your Business Exposure

Congratulations, Mrs. Angela Lomax, Owner of A & W Printing Services on your new Location!!

On Saturday October 26, 2013, I attended the Open House Of A & W Printing Services, in Florissant, MO. It was an Amazing Event!

There was food, popcorn, drinks, music and lots of Business Owners!

The ultimate purpose of the event was to introduce A & W printing services to the community, however, the Owner, Mrs. Angela Lomax, wanted the Open House to be a Networking event for Business Owners.

It was awesome to know that Nona Thomas of Gospel 1600 Radio Station and Founder & President of Christian Business Connection was at the event and allowing Business Owners to introduce their businesses live on the radio. That was not time to be shy!

Nona Thomas, Me and Cassandra McKissak. We talked for at least an Hour about Business. It was a Divine Connection for sure!!

Moreover, there were many other Business Owners at the open house, sampling their Business services and products including Ms. Crystal Johnson  (in photo below) Owner of Creative Designs ( a New Business in St. Louis, MO). Crystal had brought samples of her tasty turtle pretzels, cookies and many other treats that I enjoyed tasting.

(Me with Cystal Johnson, Owner of Creative Designs)

My original goal was just to stop by the Open House to support my Aunt’s new Business and It turned out to be an  amazing day of networking with Nona Thomas, Ms. Cassandra McKissak along with Crystal Johnson and other Business Owners.

There also was a lady there who wanted to start a daycare and she was referred to me by my Uncle and she happened to come to the Open House and we were so excited to connect. So I gave her my Child Care Business Coaching card and we will soon be working together on her new Child Care Business.

As I talked with those amazing women that I mentioned above, we exchanged business cards, we talked about our Businesses and I began to tell them all about my love for online marketing and my new ebook: Doing Business by Faith!

Our conversation about Online Marketing introduced the ladies to a side of Business that they wanted to become more familiar with and I was honored to be the one to share it with them!

A & W’s Open House led to me meeting some amazing women and a powerful networking circle.

Have you been to an Business networking event lately? If not, I want to challenge you to come outside of the walls of your home or Business and meet other Business Owners.

Me and Ms. Cassandra Ms. McKissak, a Local Health Care Business Owner who is working on starting up a television show soon, Her motto will be, Just Do it!
I look forward to being a guest on her show!!

You never know who needs your services or who can help you to promote your Business. If you’re shy, get over it, because your business success depends on your ability to get out and promote what you do.

As always, I want to share with you 5 things that you must know before attending a networking event:

1. Be sure to bring plenty of Business Cards

2. Work on your introduction. For example: Hi My name is Jane and I own a boutique. My specialty is in Business attire and I would love to invite you to come out to my boutique.. Here’s a 30% coupon to use toward your first purchase. You can also visit my boutique online at________________.

3. Be sure that your hair is styled nicely along with dressing attractively or simply wearing colors that others will notice.

4.  Come with a smile on your face.

5. Look around the room for people to connect with and practice great eye contact; that’s the perfect way to gain new connections!

Are you ready to network? You can find tons of networking events on Facebook or visit to find local networking events in your city.

Much Success to You,



Stop Using Old Business Strategies In a New Season

Focus On What Works,

Forget The Rest And Watch Your Business Grow

~ Joe Apfelbaum

My husband decided to upgrade the televisions in my home. In fact, my bedroom and my kitchen still had the old model of televisions (with the large backs). Don’t judge me….I don’t like to spend too much money on televisions. (laugh out loud!)

Moreover, I love to read books in my quiet time and my husband loves to watch television and that’s the only reason why we decided to upgrade our televisions to Flat screen HD models.

Getting back to the point....After my Husband (Charles) removed the old televisions from our bedroom, he left the old remote on the bed. So, when I decided to watch the local news, I picked up the old remote, pointed the remote at the television and it did not work.

In fact, I repeatedly pushed the buttons on the remote and still; NO Power!!

After several attempts to turn on the television, I decided to take a closer look at the remote and I discovered that I was using the remote to the old television!!

That was a moment of revelation for me or some may call it; an Aha moment. The thought that immediately came to mind was this: Shiketa, Stop Using Old Strategies in a New Season

I could hardly wait to share this Divine moment with you, because the situation with the remote, reminded me that I needed to stop using old business strategies in my new Season. Moreover, I believe many business owners are frustrated because we are using strategies that no longer work for us! 

What about you?  Are you still using old business strategies in a new season?

Has Your Business grown, yet you are still thinking small? It’s time to upgrade your thinking and get some new business strategies.

What are you doing in Business that is no longer working for you? Leave your comments below and I look forward to joining the discussion below:


Be sure to check out my latest ebook: Doing Business by Faith! Its a must Read!!

Another Dimension of Succeeding in Business

Doing Business By Faith ebook is finally Published!! I’m so excited to share this ebook with you because I truly believe that the ebook will be a blessing to you.

Most importantly, you will have access to information that will empower you to do business by Faith. You can accomplish anything with much Faith!

In this book, I am going to walk you through the steps that I personally took to Develop Big Faith in Business.  So get ready to discover the following:

*What it means to do business by faith
* How to have faith in your dreams as a business owner
* The importance of Speaking faith filled words
*Why it is vital that you have Faith filled thoughts
* The importance of  Prayer in Business
*How to develop your Patience
*How to develop that Don’t quit kind of faith!

Get your copy today!

Tips For Marketing Your Business on Facebook

fan pages

There are billions of people from all over the world on Facebook. When the word gets out about your business, you will not need to worry about finding more customers.

Facebook is the best thing that has ever happened to the Business world and it’s Free Advertisement!!!

Facebook is a great way to connect with your customers. Moreover, you find out what your customers like and what their needs are by following their post and connecting with them on Facebook.

Having a Facebook page is also a great way to educate your customers.

 For example: If you own a computer maintenance business, you could post daily or weekly computer maintenance tips on your Facebook page. In addition to posting weekly computer tips, you could post pictures of computers that are on sale in your store.

k0259810Customers love to be educated, informed and it will keep them coming back to your Facebook page!

Most importantly, many of your clients may not be on Facebook everyday, but study shows that email is a great way to connect with your clients. So be sure to utilize your Facebook page as a platform to draw customers to your website and/ or email list.

Do you need more customers? Have you been thinking of ways to increase sales?

It’s time to start a Facebook marketing plan today or contact me for Online Marketing Coaching!

For more Business Success principles, get me ebook, 21 Business principles and Wisdom Strategies

To Your Success!

Shiketa Morgan

Prayer and Business

Black-Woman-purple-jumper-praying-11As I was writing this book (Doing Business by Faith) my Faith was tested. In fact, after spending over $600 on marketing and doing what I knew to do to build enrollment in my Child Care Center; my enrollment decreased.

In fact, I was only at 50% capacity. Just in case if you are wondering how I felt to see such a big decrease in enrollment; let me tell you how I felt.

I felt like shutting the business down, because that was not the first time I experienced such decrease in enrollment. I have a Degree in Business and tons of marketing books, yet, I too experienced set backs in business.

After praying with a Friend and Business Colleague….I saw increase within 7 days! Prayer Changes things!!

I will share the rest of my testimony in Chapter 7 of my book along with tips for you to overcome set backs through prayer. click here to preview the ebook

You are going to experience set backs that you do not understand, however, if you just have the faith to believe that God blessed you with the ability to succeed in Business; you must believe that God will help you to over come any set backs!

Have you experienced any setbacks in business? How did you overcome? Feel free to leave your comment below.

Be Inspired…


An Inspirational Guide to Walking by Faith in Business

This week I am working on my latest ebook: Doing Business By Faith and I decided to re-write the introduction and Chapter 1.

I have provided a link below for you to review the first 9 pages of the book and my hope is that you are inspired to Do Business by Faith!

Doing business by faith

An Inspirational Guide to Walking by Faith in Business and empowering you to Develop Your Faith as a Business Owner with an emphasis on the 3 components of Faith: Hope, Trust & Confidence.  Doing Business by Faith eBook by Shiketa Morgan

Be sure to share your thoughts and comments below. I will be sure to join the conversation!


5 Steps To a Well Maintained Business

business woman thinking

Several days before writing this blog post, my husband and I were working in our yard. In fact, we realized that our plants were over grown and we needed to do a better job maintaining our garden.

As I was trimming back flowers and planting annuals in flower pots ; this thought came to my mind: In order to have a beautiful garden, you must maintain it. Wow…what an aha moment!

Moreover, I thought about how gardening and business are closely related. If you have a garden or a business; it must be well maintained. Furthermore, I believe that a well maintained garden or business takes lots of planning and a little extra work on a weekly basis.
However, if you stick to your maintenance plan; you will enjoy the fruit of your labor. Here are 5 Steps to a Well Maintained Business:


1. Take some time and write down a strategic maintenance plan for your business. If you have a website, be sure to develop a plan and create a schedule for updating content on your website. Do you have employees? Create a maintenance plan that includes; How often you will evaluate your employees performance. Think about who will evaluate your employees and take steps to improving employee performance.

2. Take some time to prune back what is not working for your business. If having a Facebook page is bringing more business than a weekly ezine; then cut the weekly Ezine and Focus on your business Facebook page. Do you have an under performing employee? Deal with it or get rid of all slackers!

3. Pluck the Weeds! Weeds can be clients who are not paying on time, gossiping team players; negative friends; business practices that has a negative impact on your business brand. You know what your weeds are and it is vital that you cut them down before they destroy your business!

4. Water Your Business. As I water my plants every week; I notice how vibrant they look and how fast they grow. This principle also works in business. You must water your business with love; put your heart into your business and water your business with the knowledge that you are gaining from the business books that you read, apply what you learn from other business sources and of course… the insight that you are gaining from my blog.

5. Enjoy your Business. It makes no sense to build a business that you are not enjoying. Do the work; sit back and enjoy the fruit of your hands. If you are always working; you will never know what it feels like to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments about this blog post. If I do not enjoy the conversation right always, it’s because I’m enjoying the fruit of my labor!


To Your Success,
If you love this blog post: you will love my ebook: Business Principles

Travel Inspired Danielle’s Boutique

” I feel at home when I’m in my Boutique.”~Danielle Hubbard-Phelps

I am so excited to feature the Inspired Business Woman: Danielle Hubbard-Phelps of Omaha Nebraska. Danielle is not only an Inspired Business Women, but she is a close friend of mine. We went to High school together and we reconnected several years ago on Facebook.

Danielle is the Owner of Chocolate Cheetah Boutique; the mother of 7 Children and is also a Grandmother. Danielle is from my home town St. Louis, Missouri and loves being a business woman. She also owns a Family Home Child Care Business In Omaha.

I was inspired to feature Danielle on my Blog as I watched her transition from operating a home day to opening her very own boutique. In fact, as I viewed some recent photos of Danielle on Facebook I saw the glow in her face that comes when you are happy with what you do.So today I am going to share with you; what inspired Danielle to open her Boutique: Chocolate Cheetah.

The photo that you see below is of Danielle modeling some of the clothing from her newly opened boutique and I think she looks so comfortable in her skin. Also, she appears to be enjoying owning her new boutique.

What Inspired Danielle’s Boutique

Danielle’s boutique was inspired by her love for travel and she also loved to shop for nice things. In fact, Danielle’s family and friends would always ask her about the uniqueness of her clothing, shoes or purses that she found while traveling. They would also ask if she could find some unique items for them as well. So, Danielle decided not to only shop for herself, but to start shopping for others and start-up her very own Boutique.

Why Did Danielle Name the Boutique “Chocolate Cheetah”

The name Chocolate Cheetah was inspired by Danielle’s love for Espresso and chocolate colors in her home. She also loves “Cheetah” prints.

Danielle’s Start-up Cost Was very Low

While working at a local store, the Owner of the Building told Danielle that if she worked for him; that she could get the building next door to his store. So, she worked on the building; brought things from her home to strategically place throughout the shop and after lots of hard work and months of renovating the Boutique, she was open by June 2013!

I just love Danielle’s business skills!

One of the strategies that Danielle used to get inventory for her boutique was to invite customers to sell their clothes to the boutique and Danielle bought new and used clothing from her customers.

“I love to see the smiles on my customer’s faces”~Danielle-Hubbard-Phelps

Places Danielle Travels for Her Inventory

  • New York—> Purses
  • California—> Shoes
  • Chicago–> Jewelry

Social Events at Danielle’s Boutique

Every Wednesday at the Chocolate Cheetah Boutique, you can expect to join the event called: “Women Who Wine.” I just love this idea!!

Danielle wants the women who visit her boutique to have an elegant experience as they shop, enjoy wine, taste cheese along with a listening to a little jazz music. Candles are also lit throughout the boutique for a relaxing ambiance.

Also, Danielle invites local business owners to come and network on Wednesdays at her boutique and she may even allow local business owners to market their businesses, products or services.

The Marketing Strategy That Cost Danielle (2 Ice cream Cones)

Danielle decided to have her daughter and her daughter’s friend to stand in front of the store to hold her purses and wear her floppy hats to draw more attention to the boutique.

I thought this was a great marketing concept and a great way to get her daughter involved with the business. After modeling in front of the store, all Danielle’s daughter and friend wanted was: Ice cream!

Danielle’s Tip for New Boutique Owners:

  • Start Small
  • Use what you have
  • Don’t over clutter
  • Make your customers eyes wander
  • Constantly rearrange things
  • Add at least one new item a week

I hope that you were inspired by Danielle’s Inspired Business Woman Story along with gaining new business strategies from Danielle’s story. Feel free to connect with Danielle on Facebook and be sure to Like her Chocolate Cheetah Boutique Page on Facebook!

It’s Time to Challenge Yourself


Nothing in life worth having comes easy right? Open yourself up to challenges and do the thing that scares you. It’s the only way to create change in any part of your life.~KatieOstoich

This post was inspired by my recent walk on the treadmill.  In fact, I recently made a decision to walk 30- minutes a day on the treadmill, eat an apple a day and drink more water in order to maintain a healthy mind and body.

Hours before writing this post, I received a revelation about challenging yourself as I increased the speed on the treadmill. In the past, I had always set the treadmill at a comfortable speed and I noticed that I always burn the same amount of calories.

In other words; I kept doing the same thing over and over again and I got the same results!

So, this week; I decided that I would increase the speed on my treadmill as I walked and I was amazed at how I challenged myself to walk faster and how my heart was pumping.
As a result of the challenge; I burned more calories, I broke a sweat (and I did not break a sweat in the past) and I felt great!

Today I want to encourage you to challenge yourself in Business. In fact, I want you to choose one area that you know you need to improve (in Business) and work on improving your performance.

For example, If you are an internet marketer; write one extra e-newsletter each month as a bonus for your clients. That extra email, just may boost your business revenue!

I think you get the point. If you challenge will get better results.

In the book Laws of Growth, John Maxwell wrote: “A Rubber band is of no use until it is stretched!!”

It’s time to stretch yourself. So what are you going to do… to challenge yourself?

Don’t just read this post and go back to business as usual…it’s time to challenge yourself for that next level.


Photo credit

Why Do You Need a Business Coach?

“A manager is a title, it does not guarantee success. Coaching is an action, not a title and actions will result in successes!”
~Catherine Pulsifer

Are you in the process of starting up a business or having difficulty taking your business to another level? If so, Its time to get a Business Coach!

A business coach will empower you to reach your greatest potential as a Business Owner. In fact, a business coach tends to see your potential even when you cannot see it.

The more that I coach business owners, the more I realize that we all need support from a mentor. Business can be fun, yet challenging at times and when things get tough or simply un-clear; you need the support of a mentor or a coach who you can share your business goals, dreams and struggles with.

Please allow me to give you an example. Several years ago, I enrolled in a Millionaire Mindset mastermind Group online. Within weeks of joining the group, the leader of the group entrusted in me to lead the group when she was away. In fact, she taught me how to conduct webinars and encouraged me to teach other business owners from my expertise.

That experience prepared me for my journey as a Business Consultant along with becoming a Self-Published Author. Furthermore, it gave me the confident to interact more with others in a group setting.

Moreover, she really pushed me to start a business online and right now today; if I had not allowed Ms. Cheryl Robinson to mentor me into becoming a Business Coach or Consultant, I would probably be miserable today.

Furthermore, this blog was a direct result of me investing in a Branding Coach. Catrice Jackson (Boss Lady of Branding) empowered me to brand, “Shiketa Morgan” and dig deep within myself to share my truth with the world.

Catrice’s Speciality is helping Business Women discover their brand and she empowers you to dig deep, get naked, discover your truth and discover who you really are.

So with that said, don’t try to build your business alone; Invest in yourself and your business and get a Business Coach Today!

Every great basketball, golf or football player has a great coach and every great business leader, has a great business Coach!

If you are stuck, not sure how to start a business or need help taking your business to another level; contact me today for a 30 minute break-through coaching session.

With your Business Success in Mind!


If you loved this post, please share with others and be sure to subscribe to The Inspired Business Woman Blog today!

Follow my daily Inspired Business Woman tips on my Inspired Business Woman Facebook page and on Twitter!

Child Care Business Owners, be sure to follow me… here.

Do You Believe That Your Business Is Making a Difference?

Believe in your business

I am so inspired right now and I could hardly wait to share this inspiring blog post with you!

As I was reading the June 2013 edition of the St. Louis Small Business Monthly Magazine; I stumbled across an article titled: Building a Brand by Exceeding Customer Expectations written by Business Owner Tim Barklage and Kevin Tibbs.

I really enjoyed reading the article (mentioned above), however there was one quote in particular that really caught my attention and the author wrote: “Its easy to give up if you don’t believe that what you are doing is important and will make a difference.”

Think about that quote above and ask your self if you really believe that  your business is important and think about if you are really making a difference?

So, what is your answer? Take a moment and really think about the question above and write down your response.

Moreover, I hope that this is an Aha moment for you, because reflecting on the question above, will empower you to discover why you are so motivated to succeed in business or you just may find out why you are tempted to give-up on your business when times get tough.

Be sure to leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts about this blog post!

Your Inspired Woman Business Mentor,


Do you feel stuck? Schedule a 30-minute Break Through Coaching Session With Me.

Check out my Business ebooks

Doing Business By Faith….

I am so excited to write my next ebook: Doing Business Faith!

In fact, the ebook cover that you see above has been on my heart to write for about a year now and I decided to take some time this Summer to write the book.

I believe that it is vital that business owners walk by faith, because without faith, it is almost impossible to stay in business.

Please allow me to explain what I mean when I say: Walk by faith.  The bible defines faith as: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Moreover, the dictionary defines faith as: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

So, now that we are clear about what faith is, I want to ask you a question? Do you have faith that you will succeed in Business? If are definitely walking by faith.

Moreover, if you believe that God in Heaven has given you power to start a business; that also in an indication that you are walking by faith.

So why is it that many business owners give up on their business? Is it because they just didn’t have the faith to believe that the business would succeed?

Whatever, the reason may be, I want to encourage you to walk by faith in business; continue to have big hope for your business and know that what you have faith for; will eventually materialize. Please allow me to share my journey of doing business by faith with you.

I quit a job that provided me with a great retirement plan; health insurance and lots of paid time off. However, I was not fulfilled and I stepped out on faith to start a home daycare in 1998.

I must say that it took some big time faith to leave that job, let go of all those benefits to live an American dream of owning a business.

Fourteen years later, that small business has grown into a commercial location which takes more faith to operate.

In fact, I have been tempted to quit and go back to a career in the medical field. However, as I dig deep in my soul and find the faith to keep moving forward in business; I am so glad that I did not give up and go back to a career that did not provide me with financial security.

In addition to owning a Child Care Center, I love to coach other business owners; blog, write books and I believe that I succeed, because I love what I do and I have Faith that God gives me the power to do all that I do and I have faith in me!

In my upcoming ebook, I will share with you how I overcame the temptation to quit, why it is vital that you dream big for your business, how to succeed with biblical principles, the importance of building your confidence in yourself and Faith principles that will empower you to succeed.

Be sure to follow my doing business by faith post on Facebook and subscribe to my blog! I look forward to your thoughts about my upcoming ebook.


I’m also on twitter @shiketamorgan

Be sure to check out my ebooks

The 1st Step To Doing Business By Faith…


We must always dream as if awesome and mysterious events are going to occur in our lives.~Dr. David Yong Cho

The first step to doing business by Faith is by having a Dream for your Business. In fact, when you have a dream; it gives God something to work with and your dream will cause you to walk by faith.

Moreover, when your dream looks impossible to you; they are  Possible with God’s help. No dream is too big and there is nothing that God cannot help you to accomplish.

I first realized that it takes faith to build a business, when I expanded my business from a home based business to a commercial location. It takes big time faith to step out and take on overhead, have employees and a lease to pay every month.

However, my dream attracted the faith that I needed to build that business and 10 years later I am working on another expansion, because my faith has grown to trust that I can live the dreams in my heart with God!

Remember this: Visualize yourself living your dream, believe and speak your dream into existence!

Tell me about your dream for your business? (simply reply to this post)

Your Inspired Business Woman Mentor,


Schedule Your Break Through Coaching Session With me Today! click here

How To Have a More Productive Business Week


Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” ~Paul J. Meyer

The key to having a more productive business week is hidden in your daily routine. In fact, if you take the time to plan your business days at the beginning of the week; you will find that your days are more productive.

Also, it is vital that you plan to do things that give you a higher pay-off for your business such as; (Marketing,etc,) and then tackle the lower pay-off task, such as reading email.

For example, if it gives you a higher pay-off to follow-up with a potential customer on Monday morning; that task should be at the top of your to-do list. I think you get the point.

Here are six things that you can do at the beginning of the week to assure that you have a productive week and to assure that you are doing more of what will give you a higher pay-off. I have also included three examples of low-payoff items:

  1. Take the time on Sunday evening or on Monday morning to create a priority list for your business week. Write down task that must be handled right away and do not do anything else until they are done. If it takes all week to accomplish the tasks, then do that and celebrate at the end of the week, when the task are done!
  2. Spend some time every day, following-up with potential clients. Customers or Clients really appreciate the fact that you followed up with them and your follow-up it just may turn into a new sale.
  3. If you have employees, take some time to invest in your top 20% employees. This is a strategy that I learned from Leadership Guru, John Maxwell. It is vital that you invest in your key team players. You can invest in your team members by conducting a short weekly training or coaching session that will empower your staff member to be better at his or her job. If you are the only player on your team, then take some time everyday to read a Leadership or personal development book. Invest in you and your team every week!
  4. Take some time to market your business every week or follow-up on your current marketing strategies to see if they are giving you results. Be sure to post on your business social media pages daily and interact with your followers.
  5. Plan some quiet time every day, so that you can renew and refresh your mind. As business owners we are constantly thinking and always on the go. However, you will be more creative if you would take the time everyday to be still; find a quiet space and calm your mind.  (this could be done in as little as 15 minutes a day and don’t forget the note pad, because great ideas always come to a peaceful mind)

Have a Successful and Productive Business Week!


Photo Credit

Beliefs That May Hinder Your Business Success

At the end of every business week, I take some time to reflect on my successes and any problems that may have occurred during the week.

I particularly focus on problems, because the problems that I have faced in business have caused me to be successful as business woman.

In fact, I have come to the conclusion that, nothing or no one can hinder my success; except for me and my perspective!

Are you standing in the way of your business success? Is your perspective wrong?

I will be the first to admit that my business did not succeed until I decided to grow as a Leader and change my perspective. In fact, I was operating my business from a negative lens.

When you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at will change. ~Max Planck

I was recently shopping for new leadership books to read and I came across a book written by Deepak Chopra titled: The Soul of Leadership. This book has caused me to become a Leader that leads from the soul not my head.

I am on page 144 of the book and this section of the book has caused me to take a look at the beliefs that could hinder my future business success. Also, Mr. Chopra describes  steps to reversing negative beliefs and I will share them with you today.

1. Negative Belief: I am not good enough

Reversal/Declaration– The more I evolve, the more I deserve

2. Negative Belief: Avoidance is a good way to postpone difficult decisions.

Reversal/Declaration- Postponement is never a solution, it freezes the problem in place. If I solve the problem I have my whole future to enjoy the solution.

3. Negative Belief: The world is full of problems. What can just one person do?

Reversal/Declaration- I can become the change I want to see

4. Negative Belief:Change it too hard

Reversal/Declaration- Life is nothing but change. I have become a powerful agent of change.There is no need to force anything, only to change your awareness.

5. Negative Belief: We are prisoners of accidents and random events outside of our control.

Reversal/Declaration- Make the choice that the unknown is either my friend or my enemy. As a friend, the unknown brings life, new ideas and new possibilities.

My hope is that you have been inspired to get rid of old negative beliefs and develop a belief system that will lead you to an unlimited amount of business success. Moreover, that you become a Leader that leads from the soul.

Join me in reading the The Soul of Leadership, get your copy today! Be sure to leave your thoughts and comments below.

Be Inspired in Business!


Have You Thought About Giving up on Your Business?

In my 14 years of being a business owner, my biggest enemy has been the temptation of wanting to quit when times get tough in business. However, I continue to persevere. What about you?

Check out an excerpt from the artice: Going Beyond Talent: Eliminating 5 Enemies of Perseverance by John Maxwell.  I believe it will it inspire you to persevere!

“Perseverance begins with the right attitude – an attitude of tenacity. But the desire to persevere alone isn’t enough to keep most people going when they are tired or discouraged. Perseverance is a trait that can be cultivated. And the initial step to developing it is to eliminate its five greatest enemies.

Perseverance requires determination. If you take the time and effort to cultivate tenacity, you can achieve the impossible. However, there are endless temptations, false beliefs, and distractions that can lead to abandoning what once seemed of the utmost importance.”

According to Beyond Talent, we must eliminate the five greatest enemies of perseverance. Eliminating the following five things will bring greater chance of success:

Continue reading the entire article, click here.

Be Inspired,


Having Challenges in your business? I would love to coach you to Success! Click here

The Business Principles That I Gained From the 2013 Working Women Survival Show


By looking at the photo above, you probably can see that we were having lots of fun at the 2013 Working Women Survival Show (WWSS) in St. Charles, MO and I can hardly wait to attends next year’s show.

As we entered the St. Charles Convention center, I was amazed to see such a variety of vendors and information for working women. Moreover, I was thinking; ” I should have purchased some booth space to market my Child Care Center and to provide Child Care Business Start-up information for women who desire to start a daycare business.”

Today I want to share some great photos of inspirational moments with you, pictures of Inspired Business Women that I met at the WWSS and provide you with some business principles that I gained from the event.

It was fun taking pictures inside of the party booths and I loved how the company offered a free sample of their service and printed their website on your photos; what a great way to provide a fun moment and market your service at the same time. Business Principle: Be sure that your website is on all of your marketing materials!

All I can say is, “Spa Time.” Origins is one of my favorite skin care products and when I saw their booth, I immediately decided to check out their facials. Not only did they give us a complimentary facial, but they served us some delicious raspberry red wine. After sipping on wine, we were so relaxed and enjoyed the spa facial treatment.

Business principle: Give your customers an experience that they will not forget!

I was attracted to visit Jo Lena Johnson table because she is an Author and I just love to connect with fellow Authors. Not only is Jo Lena an Author, she is a Book publisher. If you desire to write a book, be sure to connect with Jo Lenna. Jo Lena offered to show me how to publish several of my ebooks! Also, as I spoke with Jo Lena, she gave me some great tips on what to offer business owners that I coached. As she listened to one of my business clients (who was with me) talk about her coaching experience with me; Jo Lena noticed that I have plenty to offer to business owners and inspired me to focus on three areas: Direction, Purpose, Development and Inspire the Business Owners to do the work! Business Principle: Be open to the feedback of others and find out how you can help other business owners.  Check out Jo Lena’s Website

As we explored vendor tables, my cousin Chaitra Ragland, Owner of Bougie Rags Online Boutique, shared her new business cards with us and announced that her website was almost complete. I am so excited for Chaitra, because she loves fashion, has lots of direct selling & retail experience and she loves to do business. Be sure to visit Chaitra’s new website and visit her facebook page. Business Principles: Get excited about your new business and never leave home without your business cards.

         I love this personal development message that I saw on the American Family Insurance banner. In fact, I was inspired to take a photo of the banner because the message was so inspiring. Business principle: Dream Big. Win Big!

I just LOVE the energy around this woman! Her name is Dr. Stacey Maxwell of Love and peace is all around her.

We stopped by her table to take advantage of her 50% off book and audio sale. As we browsed her products, I found some great audio Cd’s by Louise Hay and Marianne Anderson. Also, I noticed Dr. Stacey’s website and I offered to feature her on my blog. Moreover, Dr. Stacey was so elated that I offered to feature her on my blog and I was honored to share her wonderful website with you. Be sure to Visit Dr. Stacey’s website and experience the peace and love! click here

Business Principles: When you operate with a spirit of Love and Peace, you will attract others to do business with you.

(A Photo of my new professional Development Resources that I bought from Dr. Stacey)

I hope that you enjoyed the photos and business principles that I shared with you. Most of all, I hope that you have been inspired. I look forward to reading your thoughts about this post.

Much Success to you!

Shiketa Morgan

Join me for a cup of tea in my monthly 1-hour Inspired Business Woman Tea Club. You pick the topic and I Coach!

Tea Club

Taking Care of Business While Being More Organized At Home

If you are like me, your first and #1 duty in life is to be a mom and make sure that your home is maintained.

Well, I will be the first to admit that sometimes I get so busy that I have to save the cleaning for the weekend.

In fact, I get so busy sometimes with operating my child care center, coaching and blogging that my mail tends to pile up.

At the Beginning of this year, I made a conscious decision to be more organized at home and I found a blog that inspires me to be more organized at home. (I will share the link with you shortly)

I believe that we are more inspired business women when we are organized at home.In fact, when home is not in order, it will effect your ability to be a successful business woman.

Moreover, your home environment will either inspire you to clear your mind so that you are more creative in business or it will contribute to you feeling over whelmed, which will lead to you being less productive as a business woman.

Are you ready to join me on this journey of being a more organized business woman at home?

Check out the Bowl of Lemons Blog for organization tips at home and grab your Free cleaning checklist. Click here

Speak your mind! I look forward to reading your thoughts about this blog post!

With Your Inspiration in Mind,


What a Little Determination and Positivity Can Do

While I was flying home from a Fabulous trip to Las Vegas back in June 2012, I decided to read the July edition of The”O” Magazine.

On page 24 of the magazine, I discovered an article titled, from Restaurateur to Aromatherapist. The article was about an Inspired Woman name Lynette Lovelace.

I was quite interested in reading Love lace’s story because I also own a business and several years ago went from operating a commercial business, to discovering a love for writing, coaching and blogging.

Love lace opened a restaurant in 1991 just outside of Chicago that also sold high-end clothing and she named it Kafe Kopelli. In 2001, Love lace son was diagnosed with a life threatening illness and she was forced to care for her son and manage her business.

Then in 2008, her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After her daughter’s surgery, Lovelace realized that it was time for a change and she decided that her next business venture would allow her to spend more time at home and would promote the healing powers of a positive attitude.

In 2009 Love lace launched, Life Therapy! Love lace’s line is sold all over the world and her product line includes:

  • Perfume
  • body wash
  • scrub
  • lotions
  • creams

Love lace believes that a body wash will not change anyone’ life, but it can boost your mood! I hope that your mood has been lifted and that you have been inspired by Lynette Love Lace’s story.

In fact, I have already started to create my next business venture and it will definitely be from home. My goal is to spend my 40′s doing what I love and that is writing, traveling and enjoying my family.

Like Lovelace, I hope that you step out on faith, get determined about your dreams and have a positive attitude about it.

As you can see, having a positive attitude with determination, has brought Lovelace to a great Journey! Be sure to check out Lynette Love lace fabulous website, Click Here.

I want to leave you with these words, the decisions that you make will determine your next season. As you have read in this article, Lovelace decision to start another company gave her what she wanted: lying around in her pajamas with her kids!

Time to Choose What You Want Out of Life and Be Inspired!

What steps are you taking to live your dreams?


Source: O Magazine, page 24

Time to Get Rid of the Energy Drainers

tired woman

Are you frequently feel tired? Overwhelmed and hungry for more energy? Could it be that you have too many energy drainers in your life?

Back in December 2012I began to reflect on what was stilling my focus and draining my energy. So, I began to journal how I felt after a day of running my business, writing or even coaching.

Guess what I discovered was stealing my energy and focus? Too much time on social media and checking my cell phone all day.  My cell phone was plugged into five social media sites,  three email accounts, along with  text messages from my loved ones.

There were times, where I would shut my phone off, because I started to  feel like I had to check the phone quite often.  In fact, the phone was so over loaded with apps and  notifications; that  the battery would die half way through my day.

The energy in your body is like a battery, if you over use it; you will feel drained or even run out of energy for what really matters in your life. With that in mind, I encourage you to unplug from things that drain your energy and do more of what energizes you!

In 2013, I decided to do more of what I love because that energizes me, spend more time with family, write those ebooks that have been in my spirit to write for a year and stop wasting precious energy on things that really do not matter.

What is draining your energy? What energizes you? I look forward to reading your comments below.


Your Inspired Business Mentor